Building with wood

Wood as a building material.

Wood feels good to the touch, grows continuously in the forest and has excellent structural properties.


As an architect, you always want to build sustainably and use natural raw materials. Wood is a renewable building material that can be used in many different ways. It is very stable and comparatively light, it is also robust and has a good effect on the indoor climate.

Wood is ingenious. High-rise buildings, subway stations and soccer stadiums have recently been built from wood. Wood as a building material is "in". In Austria, timber construction already accounts for almost a quarter of the total construction volume - and the trend is rising, and for good reason.


"Putting together a coherent project from many individual parts - that's how you create OUTSTANDING ARCHITECTURE."

Thorsten Italiano


We build with wood. Why?


Wood protects the climate. Every cubic meter of wood used binds one ton of CO2 in the long term. Every tree felled creates space for new trees, which in turn actively remove CO2 from the air. Every house made of wood helps to avoid CO2 emissions from the production of other CO2-intensive building materials such as concrete or steel. 

Wood grows back. While other raw materials needed for construction are becoming increasingly scarce, wood is constantly growing. One cubic meter of wood is produced every second in Austria's forests. The principle of sustainability, which has been practiced for 300 years, ensures that there is always enough wood available. One third of the annual wood growth in Austria would be enough to build the entire volume of building construction for a year in wood. 

Wood brings variety to design. Computer-aided calculation and production methods enable completely new forms of design. From wide-span supporting structures to high-rise buildings, anything is possible. More and more renowned architects such as Shigeru Ban and Norman Foster are exploiting the potential of timber construction. What is probably the oldest building material in the history of mankind is currently becoming the epitome of modern architecture and construction.

Wood is particularly suitable for prefabrication. Building with wood takes place less on the construction site and more in the production hall. Walls, ceilings or even entire rooms made of wood are prefabricated precisely in the factory, regardless of the weather. The finished building components are transported to the construction site and assembled. Construction takes place with little noise and disruption. The buildings are erected in a very short time. There are no drying times as with reinforced concrete.

Our services:

Production and assembly of timber construction elements. Digital planning. Construction. Fire protection. Building physics.

We make b[l]au.

Italiano planning office Site plan